P A R A S I T E​​​​​​​
UK  /ˈpær.ə.saɪt/ US  /ˈper.ə.saɪt/

"an animal or plant that lives on or in another animal or plant of a different type and feeds/benefits from it"​​​​​​​
In this case an inorganic imaginary creature. 
Shaped and created in two dimensions it takes advantage of its structural characteristics to adapt and live on another living being. 
After some first sketches and testing with cardboard..
...it was time to continue with a 3D modelling software.
First 3D prints were useful to test elasticity, stretchability and breaking point of the PLA filament used to print the parasite. 
In the end some minor improvements on thickness, radiuses and the closure system where necessary to make the parasite fit on a humans neck, limiting the hosts head movements. 

